JavaScript Conference China 2017

Call For Sponsors

Show your love for the JS community by supporting JSConf China!

Download Sponsor Package

Call For Sponsors

JSConf China is a two-day developer-driven, non-profit conference where both local and International JS community share the latest tools and techniques for the JavaScript language while hearing from notable figures within the community. With a 5-year history, JSConf China is well-respected, with many developers looking forward to returning each year. For information on past programs, check out our JSConf China website or our YouTube channel. This year's JSConf is in Shanghai on 15-16 July.

You now have the opportunity to support JSConf China 2017 and show your organization's commitment to the JavaScript community. Our sponsors' support helps us to cover venue fees, catering, speakers, event promotion and operations. It also lets us to offer lower ticket prices, increasing accessibility and allowing us to increase audience numbers.

Sponsorship Options

JSConf has three sponsorship levels: gold, silver, and bronze. Without your support, the conference would not be the same, and the conference committee ensures that these contributions are well recognized. Benefits of each tier are listed below. We are open to any sponsorship needs - chat with an organizer about package details at [email protected].

Sponsorship Levels

  • Gold

  • Silver

  • Bronze